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What is ChatGPT and How You Can Use It

What is ChatGPT, and will it change everything? How Chat GPT is AI future… (and I think it’s smarter than me). In this video I’ll cover exactly how the chatbot created by OpenAI is changing all industries, not just that of development and programming, and how chat gpt will be even making google redundant. This video is also chatgpt explained in simple terms!

⭐ Try the OpenAI Template – Starter Kit I’ve made ⭐
This is new and ready for those looking to kickstart their own app or website using the OpenAI GPT models. I’ve built it on MERN it should save you over 100 hours if you want to build or test your own ideas! This also supports the channel if you have found these videos of benefit!

New – ChatGPT Starter Kit

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A book I’ve created to help you improve the look of your apps and websites.
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Chat GPT is one of the most trending Topics right now it’s been less than a Week since its release and people’s Minds are being blown with what it can Do it’s also breaking records with over 1 million users signed up in just 5 days Faster than Netflix Twitter Facebook Even Instagram no longer will you be Googling the answers to problems Chad GPT and gives breakdowns of them in fine Detail with explanations exactly how it Works this will make people question Just how relevant Google will be in the Coming future do you want to know the Limitations of typescript chat GPT has You covered but what exactly is Chad GPT What makes it so powerful these are Things I wanted to find out it’s built By the same people that are behind open AI which are now shaping some really Interesting Technologies and they’ve Been building powerful engines like Codex which is the engine behind GitHub Co-pilot something that many of us are Already using in our day-to-day coding On vs code and if you’re looking closely You might see the beginnings of chat GPT Where people put in prompts and they get Outputs from an AI generated system Another example was Dali 2 which was an Image generator based on prompts you Enter here you get different types of Visualizations of a Spaceman on a horse And lots of other examples even

Extending out classical artwork chat GPT Is therefore a way of prompting an AI to Solve or answer a question or a prompt In a human-like manner very different From anything else we’ve seen before and This can sound scary very scary Especially to organizations like stack Overflow which Pride themselves on Solving problems with human related Answers they’ve actually gone as far as Banning chat gbt out from their systems This is because they want to build a Level of Trust on there and if people Simply copy paste answers from GPT Without any references that might break That level of trust this is all quite Interesting but let me have a look at Chat GPT under the hood by actually Using it and seeing just how useful it Will become as part of our day-to-day Lives in development as well as any Industry in case you didn’t know chat GPT is entirely free if you want to try It out yourself simply go to open AI log In with a brand new account and then Select the chat GPT interface I’m quite Fond of the design it’s nice and simple Giving you the examples as well as some Capabilities and limitations of chat GPT Some of these capabilities are quite Powerful things like remembering what a User said in a conversation and Providing follow-up corrections as well The first thing I wanted to do is to see

If it could tell me what python or Typescript is and it gave me a pretty Sound answer saying that typescript is a Programming language that’s a superset Of JavaScript since I haven’t actually Used typescript before I decided to ask It if it could give me a Hello World Function not only did it write the Function in such a manner that I could Literally copy paste it out but it also Explained the function to me and this is Really just the beginning and here is Where things get interesting I’ve been Working on a small application and I was Getting an error that I couldn’t figure Out I decided to copy paste this error Into chatgpt to see what it would say Here’s some JavaScript in vs code for a Upload for a video app I’m working this Code is fairly when I try to run it in Node.js I copy pasted this straight into Chat GPT asking if it could fix the Following code for me what I received Back was my code fixed and not only that Chatgpt went through and gave me the Code to copy paste and even explain to Me exactly what was wrong why it was Wrong and how it was fixed in this Example I had written my return function Incorrectly basically making a bit of a Typo and here it’s gone through and Fixed that return making sure that it’s Spelled correctly it’s also been a bit Cheeky here adding in a comment that it

Fixed the typo right here on the line Where it says return if I didn’t know Any better this could have come from a Real human even for example a mentor or A supervisor that could be checking and Reviewing your code and this makes me Question exactly what things might look Like in the future of development Because this could really be like a Personal assistant officer but chat GPT Has a lot of relevance even outside of Programming since it’s practical to Pretty much anything here I wanted to Create a list of food I can eat that Don’t include carbs because I’m trying To lose a little bit of weight it gave Me three dishes that I can have grilled Chicken as well as shrimp as well as Some omelets taking this one step Further I asked if it could create a Shopping list for me based on those Meals and yes it did that very easily Not only that it indented them and made Them nice and readable I think that chat GPT is here to stay I think it’ll be Revolutionary it’ll become part of our Day-to-day lives similar to how Google Has and not only that it’s going to Revolutionize so many Industries once They take full advantage of it that’s Just my opinion though what do you guys Think let me know in the comments below And if you haven’t already make sure you Guys hit like on this video

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