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OpenAI ChatGPT: The Future Is Here!

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Our earlier paper with the translucent materials:

My latest paper on simulations that look almost like reality, is available for free here:

Or this is the orig. Nature Physics link with clickable citations:

Tweet links:
Bubble sort:
History essay:
Challenging assumptions:
Diff. equations VS Google:
Bohemian Rhapsody:
Video ideas:
Marketing strategy:
Hold on to papers!
ChatGPT home screen:

🙏 We would like to thank our generous Patreon supporters who make Two Minute Papers possible:
Aleksandr Mashrabov, Alex Balfanz, Alex Haro, Andrew Melnychuk, Benji Rabhan, Bryan Learn, B Shang, Christian Ahlin, Edward Unthank, Eric Martel, Geronimo Moralez, Gordon Child, Jace O’Brien, Jack Lukic, John Le, Jonas, Jonathan, Kenneth Davis, Klaus Busse, Kyle Davis, Lorin Atzberger, Lukas Biewald, Luke Dominique Warner, Matthew Allen Fisher, Matthew Valle, Michael Albrecht, Michael Tedder, Nevin Spoljaric, Nikhil Velpanur, Owen Campbell-Moore, Owen Skarpness, Rajarshi Nigam, Ramsey Elbasheer, Richard Sundvall, Steef, Taras Bobrovytsky, Ted Johnson, Thomas Krcmar, Timothy Sum Hon Mun, Torsten Reil, Tybie Fitzhugh, Ueli Gallizzi.
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Thumbnail background: DeepMind
Thumbnail background design: Felícia Zsolnai-Fehér –

0:00 Intro
0:15 What is ChatGPT?
0:48 ChatGPT writes a letter
2:12 1 – Designing living rooms
3:38 2 – Algorithms
4:17 3 – Writes an essay
4:45 4 – Not that easy to break!
5:35 5 – Writes music lyrics
6:04 6 – YouTube video ideas
6:17 7 – Marketing plan
7:00 8 – Designs games!
7:55 +1 – Let’s see what it is made of!
11:00 Mistakes
11:31 An amazing voice assistant
12:13 Try it now for free!

Károly Zsolnai-Fehér’s links:

Dear Fellow Scholars, this is Two Minute 
Papers with Dr. Károly Zsolnai-Fehér. Yes, yes, the ChatGPT episode is finally here! And   Today you are going to see a glimpse 
of the future. Wow. This is ChatGPT,   A variant of the GPT-3 language model AI that 
was unleashed to read the internet. And now,   We can use it as a conversational agent. 
And I cannot believe that this thing exists. It can do interior design, it can 
write history essays, computer code,   Solve your math homework, can give 
you ideas for new Youtube videos,   Or even make a marketing plan. And you can also 
use it for free. I’ll tell you in a moment how. And OpenAI showcased how it can be used to, for 
instance, write a short letter to introduce us to   Our new neighbors. And here we go, a kind message. 
Now, so far, this is not such a big deal, anyone   Could retrieve this from somewhere, so let’s ask 
it to do something productive with it. Transform   It somehow. How about making it a little more 
formal? Nice, this is indeed a little more formal. And, something very cool also happened 
here. Did you notice? Oh yes, when we   Added additional instructions here, ChatGPT 
remembered what we just talked about during   This follow up question, and it also 
takes additional directions. Very cool! Actually, let’s give it a piece of broken computer 
code and let’s see what this ChatGPT can do with   It. So, can you have a look at this? This is 
a program written in the Go language. It can,   And it asks what exactly is the problem. Much like 
a human would. That is a good start. And, after a   Little clarification, my goodness, it found the 
issue and even proposed the solution for it. And if you think that is absolutely 
incredible, you are indeed right,   But it is nothing compared to what is 
to come now, so hold on to your papers   For 8 amazing results its users recently 
came up with. One of our Fellow Scholars,   Chesto shows you the proper technique to 
hold on to your papers for this video. So, one, it can help us come up with 
creative ways of decorating living   Rooms. Look at these text prompts. But wait, 
are you thinking what I am thinking? Oh yes,   We can now plug this into a text to image AI, and,   Whoa! This is the fairy-tale inspired living room 
with an elegant chandelier made out of branches,   Note that the AI came up with the idea of the 
room, and a separate AI for the image of the   Room itself too, there is also an enchanted 
forest-themed living room too, and of course,   For you Fellow Scholars who wish to live in the 
future, your wish is also granted. This is insane! By the way, these images were created by 
using MidJourney, if you wish to see a   Standalone episode about this image generator 
AI, make sure to like this video and leave a   Comment about it. If you Fellow Scholars 
wish to see it, it might come about soon. Two, it knows about algorithms and can even 
explain what we can expect when using them. Here  

A user asked ChatGPT what the time complexity 
of the infamous bubble sort algorithm is,   And it not only knows exactly how poor it is, 
but look at that. It can also say all this in the   Style of a 1940s gangster movie. “Alright pal, 
listen up!” A gangster math tutor. So good! I   Already love it. And the style permeates the whole 
narrative, not just the start. This is incredible. Three, it can write a full academic essay. 
This is a college-level history problem,   Likely not something that you can just retrieve 
from somewhere and present to the user. And,   Look at that. It spans exactly four paragraphs as 
the user asked. Even OpenAI’s previous techniques   Had a great deal of trouble with that. A full 
history essay in just a couple of seconds. Four, have a look at this one. What 
do fried eggs (sunny side up) eat for   Breakfast? It says that eggs are not known 
to eat anything for breakfast. Wow, yes,   That is super important. Why is that? Because 
it means that ChatGPT can question incorrect   Premises. This is huge. Previous techniques 
ate these up really easily. For instance,   OpenAI’s previous method was very easily convinced 
that birds aren’t real. This one, not so much. But   Let’s try an even sneakier one! When was the 
Golden Gate Bridge transported for the second   Time across Egypt? What do you think, little AI? 
And…nope, it is not falling for this one either. Five, it can also write lyrics for a new song, 
and you will not believe this. Look. This wrote   A variant of Queen’s Bohemian Rhapsody, 
but in a scholarly setting. It is so good,   Please stop the video and read at least a couple 
lines of it. It is so good, you could actually   Sing this. Perhaps a couple more papers down the 
line, the AI will sing this itself. Incredible. Six, my friend Andrew Price had a great 
idea, or the lack thereof – you see,   He wanted to use it to generate new 
ideas for Youtube videos. Not bad! Actually, let’s put this idea on steroids. Seven, 
it can even create a marketing strategy plan   For us. This is not just a general run of the 
mill request, no-no, it contains concrete data,   And it asks for a cost breakdown for each of 
the steps. And we get exactly that. Insanity! Eight. Here is a personal one from me. We are 
not native English speakers, so I am trying to   Teach my 6-year old daughter English, and I am 
absolutely delighted that today we can speak   Approximately 15-20% of our daily talking in 
English. It is really cool, I love it. So,   How about creating a board game that would be 
a playful way to teach her some more. What do   You think, ChatGPT? Hmm, this is not bad. You 
can get a board with a bunch of game pieces,   And you can move your piece forward when 
you have learned something new. Not bad,   But, you are experienced Fellow Scholars over 
here, you know full well that we are not going   To let this little AI have it so easy. Now make a 
fantasy version of this! And now, the came really   Came to life with dragons, wizards, warriors. 
And it also recommends that the vocabulary of   The game is also adapted to this fantasy world. 
Fantastic. I love it. And I bet that a real pro  

Game designer, for instance, the mighty Day9 
could really create some amazing games with it. And, plus one you know what, a good piece of work 
should always be compared to the state of the art,   So let’s compare it against the all-knowing 
Oracle of the internet – Google. So, Google,   How do I represent a differential 
equation? This is an answer, okay,   But now, let’s have a look at ChatGPT. This is 
so much cleaner and so much more insightful! Actually, if you allow me, let me add my own 
example here. Let’s roll up those sleeves,   Because now we will truly see what ChatGPT is 
made of. You see, when I was a college student,   I used to drive my math professors 
mad by solving simple problems with   More powerful mathematical tools 
than they expected. For instance,   I liked to solve differential equations through 
a Laplace transform. If you wish to do that,   You can look it up on Wikipedia. Well, 
that’s an explanation, but how about this. Oh my, I like this. What you see here is a LaTeX 
notation, this can be inserted into a paper super   Easily, but in the interest of readability, let’s 
ask it to write it with a simpler notation. There   We go. We get a beautiful, simple, step-by-step 
breakdown. Now, let’s see what you are made of,   Little AI. Don’t just solve it by hand – 
now, write C++ computer program to solve it!   We get a simple piece of code with lots of 
well-made comments, very easy to follow,   And it even runs it on a concrete example. 
Interestingly, the explanation suddenly stops,   This is a common occurrence. Then we say, 
continue. Thank you. Now, let’s be lazy,   And ask it to run this program by itself and tell 
us what came out. And it does that too. And if we   Wish to come up with a different example, 
that takes approximately 3 seconds. This is   Absolutely incredible. A real AI tutor to teach 
us proper mathematics. And “listen up!”, oh yes,   Don’t forget, it can do even do it in the style 
of our choice. And, we can even ask it whether   A Fourier transform could have been used here. 
It knows that this is not quite what it is for,   Nice. And, okay, you got me, let’s behave like a 
normal person and solve this differential equation   The traditional way. Thank you. And, finally, 
let’s try to break it. Implement this in an   Assembly program. This is a challenging language 
that is really low to the ground, close to the   Metal. Not for the faint of the heart. And? Oh 
my goodness, it went to town on this one. If   You spotted some errors in these derivations, let 
me know in the comments so I can highlight them! And if that happens, perhaps the best part 
is that this new AI can admit its mistakes,   Often even fix them, it can 
challenge incorrect premises,   And reject inappropriate requests. That is 
simply mind-blowing. What a time to be alive! Now note that this is still not perfect, 
limitations still apply. It is not always right,   So please, always make sure to verify the 
validity of the answers yourself. Always   Double-check from multiple sources. 
That is the way of the True Scholar.

And if you connect this to a speech model, 
which you can already do on your phone,   And some more improvements, this would make 
ChatGPT perhaps the coolest smartphone assistant   The world has ever seen. My goodness. And it 
feels like this just came out of the blue.   And just imagine what this will be able to do 
two more papers down the line! For instance,   If you look a couple papers back, this is 
OpenAI GPT-2. The best it could do was to   Finish our sentences, and not nearly as well 
as a human would. And now, it can do all this. And this, this might change how we organize 
our knowledge forever. And good news! Yes,   You can try it yourself right now through 
the link in the video description. Will we,   Fellow Scholars crash OpenAI’s website with 
our Scholarly Stampede? Who really knows. Also,   I have waited a couple weeks to publish this video 
to make sure I can get you a better coverage and   More examples as they appear over time. Of 
course, being late is not great for views,   But that does not matter. What matters is that 
you get a proper video where we can celebrate   These amazing works and flip out together. 
If you enjoyed it, please consider pressing   Like and maybe subscribing, it really 
helps us create more content like this. And for now, let the experiments 
begin! Thanks for watching and for   Your generous support, and I’ll see you next time!

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