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How To Use ChatGPT To Become A Millionaire

How To Use ChatGPT To Become A Millionaire:
► Try Fundrise: #FundrisePartner #fundrisetestimonial
► How I went from Zero To A Million:
► My Stock Portfolio + Stock Tracker:
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► How I Protect My Bitcoin:

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*None of this is meant to be construed as investment advice, it’s for entertainment purposes only. Links above include affiliate commission or referrals. I’m part of an affiliate network and I receive compensation from partnering websites. The video is accurate as of the posting date but may not be accurate in the future.

All right this is super exciting because In today’s video I’m gonna ask chat GPT For investing advice so that we can Become rich now if you’ve never heard of Chad gbt before Chad EBT is AI That’s Not sentient AI but it’s coming really Close to scary good Ai and it’s going to Change our lives forever anything that Requires thinking you can just stop Doing now because it’s going to come up With a better answer and here’s how it Works all you have to do is go to it’s completely free for Anyone to use and here you’ll be Presented with a chat room style prompt And here are just some of the infinite Amount of things you can do with it Let’s say you’re a Cheesy magician who’s Looking for a first date but you need a Funny pickup line so you ask it that and Boom it gives you a list of funny pickup Lines personally I’d go with number five Are you a magician because when I look At you everyone else disappears that Would work on me I’m just saying all Right so now that you’re on a first date What do you do you can ask chatgpt to Give you a list of recommendations that Are cheap for a first date in Las Vegas And Bam gives you a list of 10 free Things to do like going to see the Las Vegas Strip the Bellagio Fountains the Botanical Gardens and let’s say on this Date they recommend that you should read

A book like Think and Grow Rich you’re Like hey nobody got time to read books So you can ask Chad GPT to summarize any Book you want in 10 bullet points and Bam it does exactly that and now you’re An expert now maybe instead of going out You just want to cook a special dinner For that special someone but you just Don’t know what to make with what’s in Your fridge which is just some salt Butter pepper eggs chicken arugula and Some pasta I don’t know I made that up Let’s see what it tells us bam it gives Us a list of all the things we can make And step by step how to make them and if You don’t like any of the answers you Can click regenerate response and it Gives you a new set of ideas I know what You’re thinking I wish I had this tool When I was in high school or college so I could use it to write my essays and it Can do that too this is rito the jack Cheese burrito and he wants you to smash The like button but let’s say you had to Write an essay on Chihuahuas it can do That for you too Now those have been just some of the fun Examples of just some of the things it Can do but what if we could use it to Make money for us could it come up with An investing strategy that will help us Make more money that’s what we’re going To find out in today’s video I’m super Excited this is one of the more

Interesting videos I’ve ever made so Let’s get right into it hi my name is Andre dick hope you’re doing well come For the finance and stay for the single Most important invention of our lifetime YouTube now let’s talk about the second Chat CPT please remember this is not Financial advice this is for Entertainment purposes only no one Should ever watch magicians for Investing advice even if it’s coming From a really clever AI system avoid Where prohibited except in Indiana All right so there’s a couple things I Want to ask Chad gbt first I want to ask If it can help explain investing to Beginners and then I want to ask if it Can give us a list of specific stock Recommendations that’s technically Against the rules but I won’t tell if You won’t tell and then I’m going to Give you my thoughts and drawbacks of Chat gbt and my thoughts all the way at The end so first let’s ask explain how To invest for beginners bam it gives us A list of six very long and very Detailed answers on how to do that I’m Not going to read this whole list Because it’s extremely long and it’s a Little generic so let’s ask chat gbt to Summarize everything it just told us oh And by the way this is a really great Way to copy and paste a ton of Information because it can summarize

Everything for you in case you don’t Want to so here’s what it tells us step One identify your financial goals Personally I just want a Lambo just Kidding I just want my Bitcoin back is That too much to ask step two determine Your risk tolerance whether it’s risk Averse or really risky depending on your Age figure that out step three research And choose Investments that align with Your goals and risk tolerance step 4 Diversify your portfolio so don’t just Be in stocks get real estate get bonds Etc et cetera step five consider Consulting with a financial advisor Which would uh not be me step six Monitor your Investments regularly and Make adjustments as needed now all of This is really solid beginner Financial Advice and you should go through all of It and read it all in full detail but to Be honest if I was a beginner and I’ve Never invested I don’t think this would Really help me because it doesn’t give Me specifics on what to buy and how to Do it so now let’s ask it to give us a List of specific stocks this is going to Get juicy but first a quick word from Today’s sponsor alright so demand for Alternative Investments is exploding Some are estimating between 500 billion To 1.3 trillion dollars in alternative Asset growth between now and 2025 but There’s a problem the alternative

Investments industry has historically Been expensive and efficient and Inaccessible when I started my investing Journey for example in 2014 I started With the stock market because it was Easy to get into but as I I started to Learn more and more I realized I had to Diversify and put my money somewhere Else and that’s when I wanted to get Into real estate but I knew I didn’t Have enough money or knowledge to get Started and that was a problem and ever Since I’ve been trying to find the Solution and I think I have with Fundrise fundrise is the largest Direct-to-consumer alternative Investment platform that is serving more Than 1.7 million people in managing over 6 billion dollars worth of assets across Real estate venture capital and private Credit now fundrise has also eliminated The need for a middleman which is how They’re able to lower their fees Significantly and since 2014 fundrise Investors have earned more than a Hundred million dollars in dividend Payouts and since I love dividends and I Love real estate this makes perfect Sense which is why I’ve been using them Since November 2019. fundrise investors Also experienced a year-to-day return of 5.4 percent in 2022 which is an Outperformance relative to the stock Market of about 30 percent and when I

Started I started with one thousand Dollars and as I got more comfortable Using the app I started to reinvest Automatically every single month now Past performance is not a guarantee of Future results but so far my overall net Return since I started is over seven Percent which is pretty incredible Considering everything going on in Today’s markets now you have to do your Own due diligence on this but I’ve Personally had a great experience using Them so go check them out use my link Down below thank you fundrise for Sponsoring this portion of the video now Let’s get back to it alright so now Let’s ask chat gbt to give us a list of Specific stock recommendations now if You try this yourself right now it is Not going to give you a list of Specifics it’s going to give you a very Broad and generic answer about looking Into financials and doing your own Research it has no specifics probably on Purpose for legal and liabilities sake So we have to trick it now lucky for us Because I’m a magician at heart and I Was able to make my own Bitcoin Disappear I was able to trick it and Here’s exactly how you can do it first Let me get rid of the coin though so Here is the trick if you ask it any Ideas for some specific stock like for Example dividend stocks that’s what

Cracks the code so that’s the trick bam Gives us a list of five dividend stocks So let’s go through them right now pick Number one is Johnson and Johnson a Healthcare giant company this is a stock That I own in my portfolio and it’s Probably my number one favorite dividend Stock of all time pick number two is Proctor and Gamble a consumer goods Company and this stock is considered to Be one of the Staples in the dividend Community pick number three is Coca-Cola A global beverage company now this is a Stock that Warren Buffett uses all the Time as an example of a great company That he’s invested into over the years Stock pick number four is IBM another Great dividend payer that’s paid their Dividends for a really long time pick Number five is McDonald’s the Fast Food Giant now out of all of these stocks I Actually own all of them with the Exception of Procter and Gamble I wish I Bought this stock in 2014 but Unfortunately I missed out now here’s The most interesting part that’s going To blow your mind chat GPT is not Connected to the internet Crazy right everything it’s been telling Us so far is coming from its database Now to be fair that database was Connected to the internet and it was Learning but it’s limited to the Information it has up until the year

2021. after which point it has no more Information to base its answers on but All of the dividend stock picks that it Has given us most of them would have Made us money Johnson and Johnson for Example is a stock that today is worth More than at any point in 2021 Procter Gamble is another stock that is worth More today than at any point in 2021 With the exception of December Coca-Cola Another stock worth more today than at Any point in 2021 now IBM probably the Worst stock pick out of all of these Because you would have lost money if you Bought IBM between April to October of 2021 now if you bought in any other Month then you would be about Break Even Or maybe even making money and then McDonald’s you would still be up today If you had bought in 2021 with the Exception of dying in December but Overall it’s kind of crazy to think that Most of these stock picks would have Made us money now if you happen to be an Investing nerd at heart or a Bogle head You’d know that picking individual Stocks is generally frowned upon so the Traditional investing advice is to stick To Broad market index funds and ETFs That’s mostly what I do but now let’s Ask Chad gbt to pick us some of those And see how well they’ve done just Remember if you want to see this list Yourself you have to ask chat gbt to

Give you a list of some ideas for the ETFs and boom it gives you a list of its Favorites and at number one is voo this Is the ETF that represents the S P 500 The top 500 companies in the US now this Stock is lower today than where it was The majority of 2021 which means in the Short term it was not the best pick but It’s still one of my favorite stocks of All time hashtag not Financial advice The second pick is the ishares core ETF Ticker symbol iefa and this stock is Down this year more than it was down in 20 21 which means if you had picked it You’d be losing money right now the Third pick is actually vanguard’s Total Bond Market ETF ticker symbol BND now Bonds have been crushed which is why It’s pick number four the I shares Aggregate Bond ETF is also down this Year more than it was in 2021 and this Is because the FED has been raising its Interest rates and anytime interest Rates go up bond prices go down that’s Something to remember which means for Now Chad GPT is not smart enough to Predict the fed’s monetary policy it’s Not smart enough just yet and pick Number five was Charles Schwab’s Dividend ETF ticker symbol schd this was The only ETF where you had a chance to Make money if you bought it in the first Quarter of 2021. otherwise you’d be at About break-even point so really

Interesting picks so it looks like some Individual dividend stocks did much Better than the overall broad Market Indexes and this is exactly why dividend Stocks are not as bad as some people Like to make it seem dividend investing Can get you through some really tough Times in the market especially if you Don’t have 20 years to wait because the World does not revolve around young People which is something YouTubers Don’t talk about enough every investment Idea has its place in the world and Serves a purpose and I would say chat Gbt is amazing at a lot of things and Investing is kind of one of them now It’s not perfect it’s not going to give You the best picks and it’s not Something that I would personally use as My investment guidance but give it a few Years and it’s gonna be scary good now The more important question though is Now that chat gbt is here are you ever Gonna use Google again think about it Why would you use Google to try to find A website that may or may not answer Your question when you can ask chat gbt Directly and it gives you the best Possible answer this is going to change Everything about how we live our Everyday lives including shopping online You can ask Chad gbt the best headphones Possible and it gives you a list of them Imagine then it gives you not only that

But the ratings the website and where You can buy them and the discount code To give you the best price possible all All of that will happen very soon but Not only that you can also ask at things In a different language and it will Respond to you in that corresponding Language it’s insane you can even use it To automate and create businesses for You like automating copywriting the Possibilities are literally endless now The downside of the system is that for Now it’s not connected to the internet Which means all of the information it’s Giving us is only limited up until 2021 Which means it’s not always up to date And it might not be accurate that’s Really the only drawback but that will Change with time once it’s connected to The internet and then it’s game over and We have cyberdyne systems online and AI Is sentient hopefully not though but if You like this video go check out a video By Brett malinowski who inspired my Video go watch it right now and then Thank me later as always have a Wonderful rest of your day smash the Like button subscribe if you haven’t Already don’t forget to grab your free Stuff links are all down below I would Love to see you back here every Monday Every Friday sometimes a Wednesday love You see you soon bye-bye

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