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Find Mind Blowing Ai Text To Speech Voices – New Voice Cloning Tool

Good day friends good day it’s your Favorite forgetful detective here the Name’s Dom and today I’ve got a mystery For you but first welcome to the Mindstorm channel the channel That helps Give you ideas and tips on being an Entrepreneur and running your own Business hey how does my voice sound to You My name is Dom and you see as a Detective I Rely heavily on my memory But let’s be real who doesn’t forget Things every now and then because I’m a Detective and I Rely heavily on my Memory but I mean who doesn’t forget Things every now and then that’s where AI comes in it’s like having a super Powered sidekick probably named Watson Who never forgets Anything And that’s why I’ve been using an Excellent site called to Help me keep track of all the latest and Greatest AI websites out there Speaking of Future tools let me tell you A little secret about myself I bet You’re wondering if my voice was AI Generated what do you think think it’s a Real voice or did I maybe hire a voice Actor [Music] Or did I find my voice from one of the Sites that Future tools showed me I’ll Tell you at the end of the video

If I don’t forget now you see I’m a Detective and rely heavily on my memory But let’s be real who doesn’t forget Things every now and then and that’s why I’ve been using an excellent site called Future tools to help me keep track of All the latest and greatest AI websites Out there take a look at this it’s like the Google of AI I can simply type in what I’m looking For and boom I get a list of websites That have exactly what I need Can you believe it I no longer have to Spend hours searching for the perfect AI Tool Future tools does all the work for Me and it’s not just about finding the Right website Future tools also helps me Stay up to date on the latest Advancements in AI they’ve got articles And blog posts on everything from the Latest breakthroughs to the most Innovative AI applications and the best Part it’s free that’s right no need to Pay a single penny to access all the Benefits of Future tools it’s like Finding a hidden treasure in the vast Sea of the internet dang my voice sounds Awesome doesn’t it there’s no way it Could be auto-generated text to speech Could it Future tools is run by a guy Named Matt wolf he mentions in one of His videos that AI actually helped him Build the entire site pretty amazing if

You ask me and you can ask me anything Because I am a detective my name is Dom One of the awesome things about Future Tools is the way it’s all categorized Everything is very easy to find and all You have to do is click on one of the Websites to see if it’s cool [Music] Some of the sites are super new and some Of the apps may not work a hundred Percent but just come back and check AI Is happening fast now faster than I can Think sometimes I’m glad Future tools is There to gather everything for me so I Don’t have to be a detective and track Them all down myself Speaking of myself my name is Dom and There was something I was going to tell You but I don’t remember now let’s see What else Future tools has if I click on This little button here text us oh yeah I remember I was going to tell you about My voice yes it’s a i generated it Really truly is and it literally blows My mind how good it is It’s a site called eleven and It’s not really text to speech it’s more Like a real person’s digital voice [Music] Foreign Is this my voice now or is Mark just Typing something on a screen let’s see Oh my freaking landies the guy that Created me Mark Sylvester will be doing

A tutorial on all of this in a future Video so for now make sure to subscribe To the Mindstorm channel so you’ll be Alerted to how he does it all in the Meantime take a look at 11 Labs the Pricing is reasonable and you get some Incredible bang for your buck I mean you don’t have to be a super Sleuth to hear the inflections in my Voice and suddenly get ideas on how to Implement the voices into your own Projects As an actor I pretend for a living I Play fictitious characters often solving Fictitious problems Is it pretending that climate change Wasn’t real would somehow make it go Away I should warn you though playing With the app will burn through your Credits really fast Mark spent hours and Blew through credits really quickly so I Hope this inspired you and gave you some Great ideas make sure to visit and see The Wonder of its AI collections it’s a fantastic site and Stick around the Mindstorm Channel and Mark will be putting out a tutorial or Two on how he created me and found all Of these fantastic voices like And Subscribe and I’ll keep trying to Innovate and keep giving you ideas for Your business [Music]

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