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End of An Artist’s Career? A.I. Creates Art for You! – Complete Guide

[Music] I’m absolutely speechless so i’m just Gonna show it to you so let us say you Want to imagine an elderly woman so Let’s type it so imagine An elderly woman walking up the stairs To heaven and you can give the Artificial intelligence as much detail As you want so in this case let us say You want it to be hyper realistic and Something ethereal you can even say Things like you want dramatic lighting And Let us say as she’s going up the stairs We want a little bit of rim lighting on Her so let’s simply type that and hit Enter let’s see what it does now the ai Is thinking in the background and it’s Generating the image as you can see Right there so right here at the top as You can see the percentage so right now It has processed 32 percent and it’s Going forward and the image is slowly And gradually taking shape take a look At this If this is not crazy I don’t know what is Now we have got four versions of this Whatever version you like you can choose That and upscale it add more details to It or if there’s a version you like and You want to generate more versions from It we can do that as well but for now You can also redo the entire text so i’m

Just going to copy it and instead of Elderly woman this time let’s type an Old woman now even if you have the same Text every time you give it the prompt It will generate something different so What you generate would be uniquely Yours take a look so let us say out of These you’re absolutely in love with the First one so you want to upscale it or The fourth one you can generate Different versions from them by clicking On v1 which means create versions from The first one or v4 create versions from The fourth one u means upscaling so Let’s say i want to upscale the first One and i also want to upscale the Fourth one take a look at it so this is Generated have a look now you can up Scale it even more by clicking on Upscaling to the max or create more Variations from it by clicking this Button make variations take a look at This one It’s just crazy we have barely begun to Scratch the surface do you want to see Something that’s gonna completely blow Your mind take a look at this just take A look at the community feed all of what You see Nothing is hand drawn everything right Here is generated with ai you can also Ask the guy to do graphic designing for You and they have done that right here You can ask the eye to do some sketches

And we’re gonna get to that later you Can ask it to do a painting of course And you can ask it to do 3d renders high Quality extremely realistic all of that Is possible whatever you’re seeing right Now is generated with ai with just those Prompts just those words that we typed Now for every artwork as you can see we Have the artist’s name at the bottom Also you get to see the prompts so for Example let’s take a look at this one so If you click on it of course if you Hover over it you can see the prompt Right there if you click on it you can See it in more detail so they have typed Strength daughter of flaming sword line Leo and all of these details to get this Image to prove that all of it is Generated and not something taken up From the internet let us type in Something that just does not exist Painting off taj mahal by van gogh Something that would be crazy to see Let’s say we wanted to be in style of Bangkok’s famous painting starry night And we also want it to be vibrant this Is insane it actually did take the Elements from starry night now although Some of it doesn’t look anything like Taj mahal it has got the basic sense of It and let us say we like the second one Right here so these are the four Quadrants first second third and fourth So we want more variations of the second

One so we press v2 along with that we Also want to generate an upscaled Version of the second one so let’s press U2 as well now keep in mind if you don’t Like any one of these results you can Click on this button it will redo it so There you go now you have more Variations it’s still processing the Upscaled version so let’s wait for that But for now we have these four Variations of that so let’s say you like The first one out of it and you can Generate more just look at the details Of the brush strokes this is some other Level stuff you can even upscale it even More so you can click on upscale to the Max let’s open the original and if you Zoom in take a look you can actually see These individual brush strokes this is Just i’m telling you i’m sorry i’m Running out of adjectives so let us say Leonardo da vinci of a person of the Past what it would look like if he Sketched a spaceship so let’s imagine Sketch of a spaceship by leonardo da Vinci oh my dear god take a look at it It has completely replicated leonardo da Vinci’s those technical sketches that he Used to do by the way if you want to Generate more just click on that and it Will But looking at this have a look it has Also mimicked the little texts he used To write

This is insane let’s make this one Larger u3 so as you can see these are More designs of the spacecraft so you Can try typing in spacecraft spaceship You can try typing in the shape if you Want an oval spacecraft if you want it Futuristic a little more futuristic if You want wires hanging from it whatever You want just type in those details and The ai will do it for you so here my Friend is the upscaled version take a Look not only it has done the sketch but Also mimicked the paper and the text and All of those extra lines for guides now You can keep on generating as much as You like the truth is i don’t know what To make of this i don’t know how to feel About this it’s scary and exciting at The same time now before we move forward Huge disclaimer I’m very new to this i’ve just Discovered it a few days ago and Honestly it’s making me crazy so if i Make any mistake or if i miss something Out please forgive me for it and do Correct me in the comments and i hope And i trust that you will keep it Positive let’s move on so what is mid Journey in the simplest terms it is a Platform that generates images based on The prompts that you input the prompts Can be anything you can design a shoe With it you can have a face out of a Mushroom it is wild you can do anything

You want and as you can see these are The prompts that created this image and Of course it uses artificial Intelligence to make it all possible but What are these prompts again you might Ask well this is a very apt image to Explain it so let’s say you were in a Crime scene i pray that never actually Happens with you this is just Imagination you were in the crime scene And you did see the criminal the next Day police calls you in and they ask you How the criminal looks like so that they Can draw up a sketch now the information That you give to the sketch artist to Describe how the face looks like how the Clothes look like They are like prompts now you can give Less information for example the first Human on planet earth and let ai do the Thinking it’s like asking ai how do you Think the first ever human on planet Earth would look like or you can give Detailed information like this user has Given right here judas stunning Rendition of full body female sculpture Made of fractal gems every little detail Like you want intricate details you want Hyper realism you want it to look like Octane render very colorful vibrant you Can read the rest so you can give more Details to get more of the elements that You want now the big question how do we Get started so i’m gonna sign up fresh

With you so let’s follow along so first Of all we need to go to mid And then click on join the beta now if You already use discord you can just Sign in you know how the stuff works Click on already have an account but if You are new and i’m assuming majority of You are i was as well i just created a Discard account for this let’s pick a Username i’m going to type in pics Midjourney or pixmj Mary jane spiderman I don’t know why i said that sorry So click on i am human do all that stuff All right this seems like a lot of Things going on by the way discard also Has a desktop app that you can use but You can also use it on your browser it’s Totally up to you as to what you want to Do so my birthday it is january 7th 1997 click on done now here you can type In your email i just created a new email Just for this fix mid journey no i don’t Want the desktop app so for now let’s Use it on the browser for convenience Close it now you can click on getting Started to see how you can get started It has all the instructions right here Now before you move forward it’s a good Idea to just verify your email so i have This email from discord so i’m just Going to click on verify and verify that It’s done close this prompt now as you Sign up you do get a free trial and as

Of recording this video you do get a Considerable amount of tries i don’t Know the exact number also just so you Know now that we are talking about it i Am in no way shape or form paid or Sponsored by mid journey they haven’t Even reached out to me i don’t know them So I just discovered it through my friend Pratik knight huge shout out to pratik Nak check out his work right here he Also created an instagram account with All of his ai creations so check that Out as well and mid journey if you’re Watching this how about a sponsorship Not a bad idea now as you have signed up And you have not subscribed you’re Newbie so you cannot create images Anywhere as you can see i cannot type in There i cannot even type in one of the General channels so these are like chat Rooms like way back in the days we had Yahoo chat rooms so they are like that So i’ve opened general to as you can see All of the people creating stuff right Here And you can type in whatever you want But right now you cannot but you can Look these channels up for inspiration You can see what people are creating What they’re typing what prompts they’re Giving and if we want to create Something we would go to the newbies Channel and here we can type whatever we

Want so how do we generate images first Of all you need to give the imagine Prompt now this can be very busy and That is why having a subscription will Let you have your own private window so As you can see right here you have this Mid journey bot you can dm the prompts Directly right here to have less noise But we’re gonna get to that later for Now let’s go to our new beach channel And type in Imagine that is the prompt right here Click on the prompt And then describe what you want the ai To generate so let’s say i want to see What the ai thinks heaven and hell looks Like so i want heaven and hell you can Give as much detail as you want so if You want to add more information to it Just add a comma so comma I want it to be very detailed there we Go now it is Processing as you can see there are a Lot of other people doing that so Simultaneously a lot of things are Happening so scroll up to your message And how do you know it’s your message it Will be highlighted in a slight tint of Orange to find it out quickly so it’s Generating the image now it’s 100 now as It finishes you might wonder where the Hell did that go so it’s completely gone Well it’s not gone it has generated the Image and it would be

At the very bottom Somewhere here so everything is in order So if yours is generated first some Other artists images were generated After that so they would be in order so This is yours now it gives you four Options to choose from if you like none Of them you can click on this button it Will redo the command for you now as I’ve clicked on i can scroll down and Take a look my message is highlighted in Orange so it’s doing that right now Let’s scroll up And go to our previous message now let’s Say out of these four you like the first One or the fourth one let’s say i like The third one actually it has some Details to it as well so you can up Scale it if you want to add more details Make it larger click on u3 because it’s The third quadrant one two three four Click on u3 it will upscale it now where Is it my friend you need to scroll down To see where it is There it is there’s one of your images And it will be right here have a look It’s processing so this one is for the Redo command that we had run by clicking On this button now in this case these Are just incredible and i want to Upscale one and two so we clicked on Both of them now let us say you really Liked the second one and you want to see More variations of that more versions of

That so you click on v2 it will generate Four more versions of just this second One there you go our image is done we Might have to scroll down There it is There you go my friend let’s open up the Original And here you have it you can even up Scale it to the max so let’s find our Image we can click on up scale to the Max and upscale it and we had wanted Four more versions of this one so there It is it is being generated so this is The one that we had also wanted to Enlarge and you can take a look this my Friend is just unreal it’s done we can Scroll down and take a look there you go Completely unreal and if you want to Introduce more details you can click on Upscale to the max of course so this is Another image that we had applied to Upscale and it’s scary here my friend is The final Image i just don’t know what to say now If you do want to subscribe you can just Type in slash subscribe again i’m not Paid or sponsored i actually have two Accounts that i’m paying for out of my Own pocket so as soon as you type you’re Gonna get this message if it’s too Crowded you can also dm it of course you Can dm about paying them now with this Message you can click on open Subscription page yep now there are lots

Of plans you can choose whatever plan That you like and you do get general Commercial terms with the ten dollar one And the thirty dollar one as well please Read the details before doing anything That involves money you also have some Enterprise plans as well now with the 10 Plan you have limited 200 images per Month but with 30 it is nearly unlimited For testing i recommend you subscribe to 10 you can always upgrade but if you’re Confident you can also go for 30. so i Have an account where i’ve subscribed For 30 which is my personal account and There’s a pixel imperfect account just For ten dollars to create this video so This is my other account so after you Have subscribed the advantages you can Just directly dm them so you can go to The mid journey bot and dm whatever you Want so these were the previous one that We had created in this video and there’s No crowd nothing going on you have your Personal space but this doesn’t mean That your images are private whatever You create if somebody searches your Username whatever you have played with Everything will show up in your gallery So if you go to mid journey and click on Sign in with discord let’s authorize This so if you look at the pixel Imperfect account It shows everything that i’ve played With you can look up the entire history

Of every user so let’s say i go to the Community And let’s say i like this particular User so i can open His or her page and then he can look at Everything that he or she has played With even though you are creating it in A personal space by dming the bot it’s All visible unless you pay the more so If you go to their subscription page and If you look at enterprise plans you have The option private by default image Generation and you can look up their faq Where it says what if i don’t want my Images to appear in the gallery so by Default it’s open by default community And if you want to opt out of that of Course pay us more now let’s talk about Some advanced prompt codes now of course You can type in the basic stuff like i Have a prompt let’s say we want captain Jack sparrow as terminator full body we Want it to be highly detailed photo Realistic and i wanted a cinematic Atmosphere details like 8k it won’t Generate 8k something like octane render And unreal engine now besides all of These fundamental terms you can also Determine things like the quality aspect Ratio and so many other things we’ll get To it later first of all I want the quality to be higher so after Two dashes we’re gonna press q which Stands for quality and i want the

Quality to be two the default quality is One and if you don’t type in anything it Will take q1 if you want a higher Quality you can type in q2 but the Downside is obviously it’s gonna take Twice the time to process it if you want Faster results just for concepts you can Type in q 0.25 it will be four times Faster because one is the standard 0.25 Would be four times faster 0.5 would be Twice as fast so on and so forth so for Right now i’m just going to type in q2 Now your images don’t always have to be Square like this one you can also Determine an aspect ratio so for it Double dash and then aspect ratio ar is The shortcut for it 16×9 let’s say Something we want now there’s one more Code that we can go for right here so in Here i’m going to type in uplight now What is up light Right here we are creating images with a Very high quality now whenever we Upscale we don’t want to add too much Details to it so when you add the Uplight code subsequent up scalings Won’t add too much details so where do You find these codes we’re going to get To that later don’t worry for right now Let’s play it so as you can see it is Generating the images in 16×9 aspect Ratio the quality would be higher as Well take a look at these results it is Just insane now on this one it did mess

Up the face but take a look at this take A look at this one as well even though It has messed up the face maybe we can Use a little bit of photoshop to kind of Replace it with the original one or Maybe generate a few more and if there’s A face that we like that would suit you The best we can just replace it in Photoshop but look at it it is insane Now let’s say we want to upscale the Third one and if we choose to do that It will upscale it lightly because we Had the uplight command right here so as You can see it says upscaling light so This was stuck at zero percent so i Clicked on u3 one more time now it is Not the best in the world but it is Something maybe i need to play a little More with all of these terms maybe try Different codes and by the way if you Like the overall look but you want to Experiment with little variations you Can always click on make variations and Go from there so where can you find all Of these codes this my friend is the Link to the user manual and right here If you scroll down first of all you have All of these basic commands the first One is imagine which creates an image From text now you have parameters for Imagine here you will find the codes Let’s say you typed in the last species On planet earth and you don’t want to See any plants so you can just type in

No plants here you have the shortcuts For different sizes of the image aspect Ratio take a look at it you can type in Aspect or the shortcut ar then you have Quality values that we were talking About one is the default you can go for 0.25 if you want faster results and 2 if You want high quality results 5 is Experimental so that is for you to read Further now how do you learn it more how Do you get the best results go to med sign in and then go to the Communities and then you can use these For inspiration let us say you wanted to Create a landscape you can use this one For inspiration let’s say you wanted to Create a realistic face you can use this One for inspiration so let’s open it of Course you can see the prompt right here But that’s not enough all you need to do Is to click on the three dots and click On copy command not the prompt if you Click on that only the prompt would be Copied and the extra codes that were Added they won’t be copied so click on Copy command please don’t steal it i Only recommend it for inspiration Imagine how you would feel if somebody Just simply copies your command and Creates the exact same thing you don’t Have to do that you can customize it Your way and learn from how they’re Doing it so let’s go to our bot and here First of all let’s type in imagine and

Then paste it right here so as you can See apart from the text prompt they Haven’t typed in any more code so we can Go with it now what is this this is the Link to the image that it will use as a Reference yes you can add your own Images as a reference so right now if You just copy this link and go to this Link it will open the image that this User nft lilly used as a reference now It can be a previous render or an Upscale from a previous variation it can Be anything so for example i create a Variation of this image by clicking on Make variations have a look it has added A link right there this link is nothing But the link to this particular image Which it is using as a reference so That’s exactly where that comes from so You have that link and then you have all The prompts and the codes everything so You learn by getting inspired from other People’s prompts and there’s a very Stark difference from inspiration and Simply copying so you see what they type Some users type in the color grading Details you don’t have to copy the exact Color grading detail that they typed but It is for you to learn that you can also Type in color grading details so you Type in what you want that’s how we Learn for example let’s take a look at This i think it has more details so We’re going to click on the three dots

And copy the command let’s go in right Here and paste it just to learn from it As you can see aside from robot bird 8k The artist has typed in insanely Detailed and intricate interesting so in Any of your artworks if you want some More details you can try this you can Personalize it your way they have typed In elegant it explains the overall style That the artist is going for you can Type in messy maybe that’s the style That you’re going for and there’s a ton Of codes that they used now what do These codes mean you can always look it Up in the manual linked in the Description so you can learn from it Make it your own so robot elephant and You want it to be like an alien i want The aspect ratio to be Three by four and i actually don’t want To copy any of their codes let’s type in Quality two we don’t want it to have any Rna details maybe we want it psychedelic And let’s play it take a look This is just completely wild and we can Go from there you can also use your own Images as a reference so if you go to Pratik’s page which is futurist ai i Highly recommend it by the way look at The art that he has created it is just Incredible So he has a complete highlight tutorial On how to do that so if you open his Highlights on prompts it will explain

How you can use your image as a Reference so let’s say you want to use This one as a reference so it has Detailed steps on how you can make it Possible so you have to upload it use That link and then as you can see it has Generated all of these variations you Can also use different codes like pratik Has used i think he has used iw1 for the Results to be more closer to the images By the way where do you get these codes Link in the description look at the Manual and then he has gotten closer Results you can add more prompts to your Reference as well so Highly recommend referring this one you Can go as deep in it as you want but i’m Warning you this is addictive like Really highly addictive if you cannot See it from my eyes i’ve spent the last I don’t know 10 to 16 hours just Constantly doing this now here’s a big Warning whatever you create is public And open for all unless of course you’re Paying 50 a month for the private Version so if someone follows you on Mid-journey right now i have zero Followers or they know your account they Can look up your entire history they can Look up what you have played with what Images you have tried what variations You have created everything and most Importantly keep in mind whatever you Create cannot be deleted there’s no

Option to do it That’s just the way it is at the moment Of recording this video i know what You’re thinking and i know you’re glad i Told you besides those words are blocked Anyway so what do you think will ai take Over and should artists be worried let’s Talk in the comments let’s discuss i’d Love to chime in and connect with you What do you think are the positives That’s gonna come out of this what about The negatives is this what digital Camera did to films or photoshop did to Photography or is this a completely Different beast Let’s talk i hope you enjoyed this video And if you did make sure to give us a Like and also don’t forget to subscribe And not just subscribe ring the bell so That you my friend don’t miss any other Feature tips tricks tutorials or stuff Like this i would like to take this time To thank all of these nice and amazing People for supporting pixim perfect on Patreon and helping keep pixelm perfect Free for everybody forever thank you so Much for watching i’ll see you in my Next one till then stay tuned and make Sure that you keep creating [Music] Bye

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